MCO offer a variety of services to suit your needs. From e-consultations (e-forms) for certain conditions to telephone and video consultations with our experienced clinicians. Follow the steps below to get started
Erectile dysfunction is when you have trouble getting or retaining an erection. While erectile dysfunction is a sensitive subject, it can afflict any male and is usually nothing to be concerned about. Erectile dysfunction occurs when blood flow to the penis is restricted or when blood vessels find it difficult to control the flow in and out of the penis. Erectile dysfunction can also be a symptom of an underlying physical or mental health problem.
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, or GORD, is when pressure in your abdomen increases and the muscles at the bottom of the oesophagus weaken. This causes the stomach acid and food to move into the oesophagus causing a wide range of symptoms.
Flu is a contagious viral infection of respiratory tract, caused by influenza viruses that infect the throat, nose and sometimes the lungs. Symptoms tend to subside on there own, but it can make some people seriously ill. It’s important to get the flu vaccine if you’re advised to.
If you would like to discuss a condition with our clinician, please complete the consultation form and then choose either the video or telephone consultation (please attach pictures of non-intimate areas) if required. Please note we do not undertake consultations for mental health, prescribe finasteride for hair loss or weight loss medication.
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. The term “UTI” is used to refer to several various infections, including: a bladder infection known as cystitis, an infection of your urethra is known as urethritis, or a kidney infection known as pyelonephritis. Our clinicians can prescribe medications that can help you get rid of your UTI in a matter of days. UTI’s are far more frequent in women, accounting for over 90% of all cases. The fundamental reason for this is that women’s urethras are much shorter than men. The female urethra is usually approximately 4cm long, but the male urethra can be up to 20cm long. Bacteria don’t have to travel as far to reach a woman’s bladder because of this. UTI’s can affect men as well, although they are uncommon before the age of 50. When they do happen, it’s typically due to an enlarged prostate, which exerts pressure on the urethra-to-bladder junction, making it difficult to properly empty the bladder.
We can prescribe norethisterone if you want to delay your period in order to prevent it from falling on a particular occasion i.e. wedding or holiday. This can be used to postpone your period, however it must be started three days before your anticipated period. This medication is generally effective, and our clinician can prescribe this for you.
Chlamydia is one of the most sexually transmitted infections (STI) and is spread by unprotected sexual contact. It is very common in sexually active young adults and teenagers. Even though the symptoms are frequently unpleasant, the majority of STIs can be swiftly and readily treated if discovered early. If STI’s are left untreated, they might worsen and lead to dire consequences. You put yourself and others at danger by disregarding STIs and failing to get checked out each time you engage in unprotected sex. If you already have a positive test result for chlamydia, our clinician can treat the infection with antibiotics. For Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis, you should attend your local Sexual Health clinic.
We do prescribe the combined oral contraceptive pill, the progesterone only pill and the weekly contraceptive patch through the services we offer. You do require a recent blood pressure, height or weight (preferable taken in the last month) and we can prescribe the required contraception for you.
What is Hair loss? Hair loss can be upsetting and affect your self-confidence, but did you know it was normal to loose hair and an average person can loose up to 100 hairs per day? Your hair goes through a life cycle of growth, rest and shedding phases; as you get older, hair falls out quicker than regrowth and this is what results.
Sonya qualified from School of Pharmacy, University of London, now University College London. Having a passion for general practice, Sonya went on to become a qualified prescriber in 2018. Sonya subsequently followed on to achieve a Post Graduate Diploma in Advance Clinical Practice from the reputable King’s College London. Sonya has wide experience working in some of the busiest London boroughs within the NHS and Private general practice settings. Due to her extensive training, Sonya has a keen interest in the whole spectrum of general medicine. Sonya is a member of the General Pharmaceutical Council and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
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