Complaints policy
Our practice is dedicated to giving our patients the best care possible while also paying attention to their needs. We consider each and every feedback you leave, and we make use of the information to further enhance our offerings and improve our services.
Whatever you choose to say, we value your thoughts and feedback.
If you want to complain:
If you are dissatisfied with our services or facilities, please let us know as soon as possible. Then, we will look into the circumstance so that we can act as needed and take appropriate action. When you inform us as soon as a problem arises, it can frequently be resolved immediately; The directors or employees will be pleased to assist.
If you’re not entirely satisfied, you can write your concerns and contact us.
We take all feedback and complaints seriously.
We always:
- deal with complaints in strictest confidence
- investigate in an unbiased manner
- pass any compliments to the individuals involved
- provide a thorough explanation
Write to us:
The directors and registered manager are responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation and in the greatest position to immediately and thoroughly investigate any issue. Send us an email at to file a complaint.
Getting back to you:
The complaint will be acknowledged within 48 hours of being received. Following that, all investigations should be completed, usually within 20 working days. Once the investigation is completed, the findings, along with any actions taken, will be communicated to the patient within 28 working days.
After 28 working days, if the investigation is still ongoing, we will write to explain the holdup. We will offer you regular updates on the cases, even if they take longer to complete due to their complexity. We might recommend meeting with you to go over your problems and make an effort to fix them.
If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they have the right to appeal the decision.
Stage 5: Appeal Submission
If the complainant feels they have been treated unfairly, if there was a breach of confidentiality, or if the investigation did not meet their expectations, they may submit an Appeals Form to the Complaints Officer within 14 working days.
The Complaints Officer will review the appeal and respond within 14 working days.
Stage 6: Appeal Outcome
The outcome of the appeal will be communicated to the complainant on the Complaint Outcome Form. The decision may result in the original complaint being upheld or revised. If the issue remains unresolved, the complainant may contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on 03000 616161.