Sexual health & STIs
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Thrush in men and women
Suffering from Thrush? Let us help you.
What is Thrush (Yeast infection)?
Thrush, also known as candidiasis, is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of Candida yeast, most commonly Candida albicans. Thrush can occur in various parts of the body, including the mouth (oral thrush), vagina (vaginal thrush), and other moist, warm areas of the skin.
Although it is uncomfortable, there are several ways to manage it, and there is little risk to your long-term health. Some individuals do, however have persisting symptoms that might be more challenging to cure. Your symptoms can be effectively treated by our clinicians, who can also assist you in determining the origin of your thrush.
Given that the vagina typically contains low concentrations of candida albicans, thrush is considered to affect many women at some point in their life. Once a woman has had her first period and after going through the menopause, the likelihood of developing thrush decreases. Men are also susceptible, with symptoms typically centered around the penis head.
Erectile Dysfunction
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is when you have trouble getting or retaining an erection, due to restricted blood flow to the penis. While erectile dysfunction is a sensitive subject, it can afflict any male and is usually nothing to be concerned about. Erectile dysfunction occurs when blood flow to the penis is restricted or when blood vessels find it difficult to control the flow in and out of the penis. Erectile dysfunction can also be a symptom of an underlying physical or mental health problem.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Unsure if you have Bacterial Vaginosis? Let us help you.
What is Bacterial Vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a form of vaginal inflammation due to an overflow of the normal bacterial flora in the vagina, which throws off the delicate balance. This is not an sexually transmitted infection (STI), but can increase your risk of getting an STI e.g. Chlamydia. Although it can afflict women of any age, bacterial vaginosis is more common in women in their reproductive years. The exact cause is unknown, however certain behaviours like unprotected intercourse or regular douching can increase your risk.
Urinary Tract Infections/Cystitis
Please note UTI treatment should always be started on the SAME day when you identify symptoms.
How we work:
- Start Consultation; 3-day Course of antibiotic prescription for UTI/Cystitis for only £14.95 on the SAME day within 3 hours* .
- Complete online e-form (Takes 2-5 mins)
- You will get a follow up telephone call from our clinician as we treat ALL TYPES of UTI’s.
- Choose a telephone/video consultation if you wish to discuss your symptoms further (if you are over 65 years or male, please complete General Medical Consultation form). *There will be a fee for the medication item on collection (ASDA only charge £5 for the medication; this service is the most cost effective option for SAME day antibiotics in the UK).
What is a urinary tract infection (UTI)?
UTI is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. The term “UTI” is used to refer to several various infections, including: a bladder infection known as cystitis, an infection of your urethra is known as urethritis, or a kidney infection known as pyelonephritis. It is paramount that treatment is started as soon as possible, hence why we provide treatment for same day pick up.
Cystitis is the most common infection of the bladder and can result in burning when passing urine and irritation. You do require antibiotic treatment straightaway; if the infection is not treated, it can become more serious and spread to the kidneys.
Via our e-consultation pathway, you simply answer all the questions and we provide a 3 day course of antibiotics to treat the cystitis/bladder infection at £14.95 for the same day. This is the first line treatment of choice for a bladder/UTI infection and is highly effective. Symptoms will usually start to improve within 24 hours.
Our clinicians can get the prescription to the pharmacy of your choice within 3 hours*. *3 hours from the time where we know what pharmacy to send your prescription to.
If you would like to speak to a clinician regarding your UTI, would like more information or think your symptoms are more severe, you can choose the telephone or video consultation options and treatment will be tailored according to your signs and symptoms.
Chlamydia (STI)
Concerned that you might have an STI? Unsure about your next steps? We’re here to help.
What is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It often doesn’t cause noticeable symptoms, making it easy to spread unknowingly. Chlamydia can affect both men and women and is primarily transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. It is very common in sexually active young adults and teenagers. The majority of STIs can be swiftly and readily treated if discovered early. If STI’s are left untreated, they might worsen and lead to dire consequences. You put yourself and others at danger by disregarding STIs and failing to get checked out each time you engage in unprotected sex.
If you already have a positive test result for chlamydia, our clinician’s can provide antibiotic treatment, please book a consultation.
For Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis, you should attend your local Sexual Health clinic.
Period Delay Medication
What medication can you take to delay your period?
For period medicine, Norethisterone is a synthetic progesterone which is used to delay your period to prevent it from falling on a particular occasion i.e. special event or holiday. This can be used to postpone your period, however it must be started three days before your anticipated period due date. This medication is generally effective, and our clinician’s can prescribe this for you.
What is Contraception?
Contraception can be a condom, pill, implant, or coil which is for pregnancy prevention and to stop the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Contraception knowledge is useful when practicing safe sex. It is important to find out the most suitable form of contraceptive medication for you as they will all prevent pregnancy, but only some will offer protection against STI’s.
Their are various forms of contraception and you can speak to our clinicians to help you decide which is the best form for you.
We do prescribe the combined pill, the progesterone only contraceptive pill, the weekly contraceptive patch and the emergency hormonal contraception. Contraceptive pill consultations are provided through the services we offer. Oral contraceptive pills are a very popular choice. You do require a recent blood pressure, height or weight (preferable taken in the last month) and then we can prescribe the required contraception for you.
If you require the pill online (emergency contraception/morning after pill), please complete general medical consultation form.