Showing 33–48 of 53 results
Worried you have Tonsillitis? let us help you.
What is Tonsillitis?
Tonsillitis is an swelling and infection of the tonsils, which are two oval-shaped lymphoid tissues located at the back of the throat. The tonsils play a role in the immune system by helping to fight off infections. However, they can themselves become infected, leading to tonsillitis.
Sore Throat
Not sure if you need antibiotics for a sore throat? Let us help you, Consult with us today.
What is a Sore Throat?
A sore throat is an irritation and pain of the throat, that is more prominent when you swallow. Viral infection e.g. cold or flu, is the most common cause of a sore throat. For a throat infection of this type, it generally resolves on its own.
Bacteria sore throat is also known as strep throat. Strep infection, medically known as “streptococcal pharyngitis,” is a bacteria infection in throat and tonsils. Strep A throat infection is caused by a group of bacteria known as Streptococcus, with the most common culprit being Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as Group A Streptococcus. This type of infection will require antibiotic treatment.
Viral strep infections are often mistaken for bacterial strep throat due to similar symptoms, but they are caused by different pathogens
Worried about Sinusitis? Let us help you
What is Sinusitis?
Sinusitis is when you get inflammation of the sinus lining. It usually results from a viral illness. You may have acute or chronic sinusitis if you experience frequent flare-ups of sinusitis, especially if they happen around the same time each year. Since it frequently develops right after an upper respiratory tract infection, sinusitis is sometimes mistaken for the flu or a cold. Sinusitis is simple to overlook since its symptoms are so like those of the common cold and flu, but if untreated, it may be very uncomfortable. This condition affects areas around the eyes, forehead, and cheeks.
Cold and Flu
Cold and Flu Symptoms and Treatment: Most of us would have suffered from common cold symptoms at some point in our lives. Symptoms generally includes blocked nose, cough, sore throat and a cold. Sore cold medicine treatment is normally is rest, paracetamol and to drink plenty of water. The best cold medications that can relieve symptoms quickly include over the counter liquids that have paracetamol with a decongestant e.g. guaifenesin.
Flu is a contagious viral infection of respiratory tract, caused by influenza viruses that infect the throat, nose and sometimes the lungs. Symptoms do come on quickly and can also result in fever and headaches. Symptoms tend to subside on there own, but it can make some people seriously ill. It’s important to get the flu vaccine if you are advised to. The UK flu strains change every year and hence the vaccines are adjusted accordingly.
Sometimes the flu infection/chest flu can turn into a bacterial infection resulting in a chest infection; this is when you would require antibiotic treatment.
Chest Infection
Suffering from a Chest Infection? Let us help you
In 3 easy steps, Consult with a clinician today:
- Start Consultation; complete the online form (Takes 2-5 mins)
- Choose either a telephone or video consultation at your convenient time
- Confirmation email will be sent to you and then consult with our clinician
What is a Chest Infection?
Chest infections are a frequent ailment that commonly develops after a cold or the flu, especially during the winter months. Most chest infection symptoms only last a few days and clear up on their own, but more acute instances can lead to more significant health concerns.
Coughing typically lasts seven to ten days, although it can last up to three weeks. Symptoms can include pain in chest, coughing etc. When viruses or bacteria attack the airways or lungs, chest infections occur. Pneumonia and bronchitis are two of the most prevalent forms of respiratory infections. They can be caused by viruses or bacteria, and they are often transferred by breathing virus or bacterium particles that have been coughed or sneezed out by someone else. Chest infection pneumonia requires antibiotic treatment as this is due to a bacterial cause, where as bronchitis is generally caused by viruses so does not require antibiotic treatment.
Having a cold with chest pain may also be a sign for chest infection.
Acne Vulgaris
Suffering from Acne? Let us help you.
What is Acne?
Acne, or acne vulgaris, a very common skin condition, which affects most people at some point in their lives. Hair follicles become blocked with dead skin cells and oils, which leads to the development of various types of spots. The areas affected are usually on your face, back, shoulders and chest. Generally, acne occurs during puberty due to raised hormone testosterone levels, which subsides in late teens to early twenties. Adult acne can occur due to fluctuating hormone levels, which is more common in women than men, and is easily treatable.
Ant Bites
Worried you have an Ant Bite? let us help you.
Is it an Ant Bite?
Ant bites and stings are usually painless, however you may experience a nip and a faint pink mark on your skin. Ant bites can range from mild to severe, depending on the type of ant and an individual’s reaction to the bite. The black garden ant, which is the most prevalent in the UK, does not sting or bite, although wood ants, red ants, and flying ants can.
What is Arthritis?
Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the joints. The most prevalent varieties of arthritis in the UK are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but there are many others, each with its own set of symptoms and treatment choices. It becomes more common as you become older, but anyone, including children, can be affected. The symptoms of arthritis vary depending on the type of arthritis you have, and which joints are afflicted.
If you have an established diagnosis, our clinician can prescribe anti-inflammatory medication and recommend exercises. Please book video or telephone consultation. If you do not have a formal diagnosis, please speak to your regular GP.
General Medical Consultation/Private Prescription
General medical consultation; If you would like to discuss health concerns with our clinician, please complete the consultation form and then choose either the video or telephone consultation (please attach pictures of non-intimate areas) if required.
Some patient’s are in need of a private prescription; we can issue this if there is a clinical need. There will no extra charge to provide the private prescription.
Please note we do not provide consultations for mental health, prescribe finasteride for hair loss or weight loss medication.
Eczema (Dermatitis)
Suffering from Eczema? Not sure of diagnosis? Let us help you.
What is Eczema?
Eczema (also known as dermatitis) is a skin disorder that causes inflammation and itching, as well as dryness and cracking. There are various forms of eczema and the most common type is ‘atopic eczema’, which occurs on your neck, hands, elbows and knees. You get eczema in patches with atopic eczema. There is no cure for the condition, but our clinicians can help treat a flare-up, treat infected eczema and help to keep the condition under control. Eczema requires long term management as this is a chronic skin condition. It is one of the most common skin disorders, particularly in children, although it can affect people of all ages.
Eczema Causes, Symptoms and Treatment, please read below
Back Pain
Suffering from Back Pain? Let us help you.
What is Back pain?
Back pain is a very common ailment therefore, you are likely to have it at some point in your life. Common cause of back pain is when a muscle is pulled (strain). Medical therapy may not be required because it normally improves on its own within weeks or months. People of all ages might suffer from back pain, however as you get older, you are more prone to developing it as a result of normal wear and tear. Rarely can back pain be the sign of a serious condition such as infection, cancer or broken bones.
Worried about Blepharitis? Let us help you.
What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is inflammation and irritation of the edges of both eyelids. Oil glands at the base of the eye lashes become blocked, causing redness and irritation. It is often a chronic condition, which makes it difficult to treat. Blepharitis is not contagious and does not cause sight damage.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Unsure if you have Bacterial Vaginosis? Let us help you.
What is Bacterial Vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a form of vaginal inflammation due to an overflow of the normal bacterial flora in the vagina, which throws off the delicate balance. This is not an sexually transmitted infection (STI), but can increase your risk of getting an STI e.g. Chlamydia. Although it can afflict women of any age, bacterial vaginosis is more common in women in their reproductive years. The exact cause is unknown, however certain behaviours like unprotected intercourse or regular douching can increase your risk.
Suspecting Cellulitis? Let us help you
What is Cellulitis?
Cellulitis is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection that affects the deeper layers of the skin, specifically the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. It occurs when bacteria, usually Streptococcus or Staphylococcus species, enter the skin through a break, such as a cut, scrape, or insect bite. Cellulitis can develop anywhere on the body, though it is most commonly found in the legs. It can affect people of all ages and genders, and it should be treated as soon as possible because it can lead to more significant health issues. If left untreated, cellulitis can spread rapidly, leading to more severe health issues, including infections of the bloodstream (sepsis) or the lymphatic system. Obesity, diabetes, poor circulation, and intravenous drug use are all factors that might raise your chances of developing cellulitis.
Asthma poorly managed? Let us help you
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a long term illness that affects the airways and makes breathing difficult. Although the specific cause of is unknown, triggers can vary from person to person. The disorder causes inflammation of the tubes in your lungs. When exposed to a trigger, the tubes become extremely sensitive, and the airways shrink and mucus production increases. Asthma can be inherited. If you were born preterm, had a low birth weight, or your mother smoked during pregnancy, you may be at a higher risk of getting the illness. Adults can develop the condition as well, especially if they are exposed to potential triggers at work.
While most people with asthma can control their symptoms, they can occasionally worsen. This is frequently referred to as an “asthma attack.” The frequency with which you have symptoms depends on the severity of your asthma; some people with asthma have them once in a while, while others have them on a daily basis.
Urinary Tract Infections/Cystitis
Please note UTI treatment should always be started on the SAME day when you identify symptoms.
How we work:
- Start Consultation; 3-day Course of antibiotic prescription for UTI/Cystitis for only £14.95 on the SAME day within 3 hours* .
- Complete online e-form (Takes 2-5 mins)
- You will get a follow up telephone call from our clinician as we treat ALL TYPES of UTI’s.
- Choose a telephone/video consultation if you wish to discuss your symptoms further (if you are over 65 years or male, please complete General Medical Consultation form). *There will be a fee for the medication item on collection (ASDA only charge £5 for the medication; this service is the most cost effective option for SAME day antibiotics in the UK).
What is a urinary tract infection (UTI)?
UTI is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. The term “UTI” is used to refer to several various infections, including: a bladder infection known as cystitis, an infection of your urethra is known as urethritis, or a kidney infection known as pyelonephritis. It is paramount that treatment is started as soon as possible, hence why we provide treatment for same day pick up.
Cystitis is the most common infection of the bladder and can result in burning when passing urine and irritation. You do require antibiotic treatment straightaway; if the infection is not treated, it can become more serious and spread to the kidneys.
Via our e-consultation pathway, you simply answer all the questions and we provide a 3 day course of antibiotics to treat the cystitis/bladder infection at £14.95 for the same day. This is the first line treatment of choice for a bladder/UTI infection and is highly effective. Symptoms will usually start to improve within 24 hours.
Our clinicians can get the prescription to the pharmacy of your choice within 3 hours*. *3 hours from the time where we know what pharmacy to send your prescription to.
If you would like to speak to a clinician regarding your UTI, would like more information or think your symptoms are more severe, you can choose the telephone or video consultation options and treatment will be tailored according to your signs and symptoms.